This must be my most intimate post ever ... deepest thoughts revealed ... darkest questions answered ... life unveiled ... peace finally overflows!!!
I have been searching for the purpose of life since a while now, here's what I found.
The Journey begins here:
According to Hatha Yoga, there are seven chakras in our body situated in areas ranging from the Base of the Spine (1st chakra) to the Upper Brain (7th chakra).
The work "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit language of India and translated, means "wheel." Indians believe the body contains seven main chakras, arranged vertically from the base of the spine to the top of the head. These chakras are thought of as spinning vortexes of energy, thus wheels of light.
Each chakra is associated with particular functions within the body and with specific life issues and the way we handle them, both inside ourselves and in our interactions with the world.
Chakras can be thought of as sites where we receive, absorb, and distribute life energies. Through external situations and internal habits, a chakra can become either deficient or excessive, and imbalanced.
The lower chakras focus on details such as our home, family, and emotions, while the upper chakras focus on the spiritual aspect of our lives. All of the chakras affect one another and work together.
By balancing our chakras, we also balance our lives.
The 7th chakra is located at the crown of the head and serves as the crown of the entire chakra system, symbolizing the highest state of enlightenment.
The function of the 7th chakra is connection with the infinite.
In art, Christ is depicted with a halo around his head. This could represent the awakened spirituality of the 7th chakra.
The element of the 7th chakra is thought/cosmic consciousness/nirvana/Christ consciousness/Krishna consciousness/moksha.
They are all essentially the same thing!
It is the state one is in when one has achieved the 1st chakra of meditation, also called 'Super Consciousness'.
Western culture acknowledges this achievement as the Unity of mind, body and soul.
Any disunity has often led us to say, "I am feeling beside myself".
Try meditating and you will know what I mean … you will get distracted by one thought or the other; even the body might start twitching just because it doesn't want a master. We are usually at war with ourselves, wanting different things at the same time.
In this state of balance, one is said to be able to experience every other being around for miles e.g.: He can even feel the anxiety with which a mound of ants go about their work!!
The same way that God feels and knows all of us . . .
Once in this state he is one with God himself and doesn't ever want to return to the petty turmoil's of the world...This explains how the sadhu's meditate for years on end.
God himself is explained in various religions with the concept of three ---
Christianity describes him as: The Holy Trinity; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, All are different BUT ONE!
Hinduism describes him as: The Creator Bramha, The Preserver Vishnu and The Destroyer Shiva. All are different BUT ONE!
Time is Past, Present and Future. All are different BUT ONE!
Consciousness is Sub Consciousness, Consciousness and Super Consciousness... All are different BUT ONE!
There is nothing but HIM! …There is ONLY Him!
God had created man in his likeness so he could live life through him, which is why we have challenges placed in front of us time and again …so that God can live through everything and experience himself to the fullest. NO! This is no Exaggeration ...the expanse of one mind is so huge ...the shades one person can take are so diverse (There are dark and light shades to every person)... that knowing who one truly is CAN be a challenge!
We have been created by him and for him so that he can experience every possible emotion through us, later we all return to HIM!
But if he is trying to experience life through us ... Why are so many of us trying to become like him by attaining moksha/nirvana /Christ Consciousness/Krishna Consciousness… then
What is this ongoing hunt for spirituality all about anyway?
What we fail to understand is that Life is given to us, only for really living.
We can live it to the fullest only by being true to ourselves.
By being who we are.
By doing only what the Inner voice tells us to do.
[I strongly believe this inner voice is GOD himself as I have got the best solutions often just through introspection or as I like to call it through communication with GOD]
By not dismissing our First instincts (such as give to the poor when your first instinct is to give)...
BY loving first ourselves unconditionally!!! (without any condition just as we are, not a few pounds lighter, not one promotion later) because how can we love others if we don't love ourselves … Else how can we give what we ourselves do not possess?
What we cannot believe is that it's all so simple!
We don't need to bear ourselves … We need to celebrate ourselves!
We need to KNOW that we are Worthy... we need to LIVE...
To love ... To hurt . . . To be happy. . . To be distraught ... Because ‘now' is all there is!
Customer delight
"We are not talking to each other, but we don't mind posing for you" This
could be one of the captions that I could think of after clicking this
sunset pic...