So ill just go crazy den... ;)

My confused mind is screaming out in absolute abandon...all it needs is some help!!
help...not of da advice variety of da tight slap variety!... I am not gettin around to just FOCUS!

I realized tht i believe ...i can BULLSHIT ma way through it Vivas..or written exams or speeches! believe in confusing and intimidating others enough so that dey think u knw wat ur talking about ..when dats soooooo not da case :P

mayb i dun bliv dey r smart nough 2 catch ma bluff.. or i jus dun bliv in maself nough 2 give da REAL moa!
dunno wat it i said ...HELP!
enough blabbin' 4 2day !!
ciao ..

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Anonymous said...
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Royston said...

hey Anu .... good to c u blogging .... inspires me to continue wid my blog

Anonymous said...

well...wht do i say abt dis gurl..i totallee agree with al wht she has said..she's a cute lil bundle of joy..alwayz has dat million watt smile across her face..shinin as eva..n damn..
its soo INFECTIOUS..;0)..totalleee insane..n i completely njoy her craziness..after al..sanity is def al abt collective madness...;)

Reef said...

Hey, your blog could be better if you typed in the regular way instead of chat slang. Better not to butcher the English language in a blog

Samantha said...

hey insane chick...wats hapend sweetheart...y u so confused need a break im alwayz der ;)...
But i must say uv put ur thoughts down very beautifully continue blogging it wil help u gain self control... ;)