I now realise what Self-Motivation is all about . . .
I was travelling to college to study during my preparatory leave for my Semester 8 exams, when i bumped into this school friend of mine. She did seem thrilled to see me bt could/would not talk ..later i realised she could not as she had been practising for her play all of the previous day. . . but there was a serenity about her . . She was happy,satisfied and more importantly Content!
i envied her peace . . .
Soon she got up ,leaned out of the train and started taking pictures of the sun by the sea .
i envied her job. . .
Soon i heard myself rattling on and on to her about how unsure i am about this whole engineering thing and whether i am actually cut out for it .She heard me out patiently and then said you dont know what you are cut out for unless you experience it and rightly enough mugging from books does'nt make for experience as an engineer.
She then said you can be anything you want to be . . but for that you've got to know what you are NOT and what if This is what you want to be .This got me thinking what if i lose out on this 'opportunity ' due to my small- sightedness . . .
I now realise what Self-Motivation is all about . . .
I am more Self-Aware now and don't easily crib about life . . i watch my words now and more importantly my thoughts which is why that smile hardly leaves my face . . .
Customer delight
"We are not talking to each other, but we don't mind posing for you" This
could be one of the captions that I could think of after clicking this
sunset pic...
Anu... you are a very good writer! really! A good writer has the gift of great observation of his/her surrounding... your sense of observation is so beautiful that you make even a mundane thing look extra ordinary... you are a romantic... n as u ve mentioned also very practical! Goodluck with your eclectic combination of viewing the world... a pinch of raw pragamtism and a spoonful of painful romaticism!
I know... I know...m writing after a long time... and my writing is not very good now... too many flowery words... But, what to do? anyone would become a poet after reading your blog.
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